
Clover Health Care Pharma proudly presents, for the first time in India, the Sun Shine Vitamin D—Cloferol-D, Vitamin D3 2000 IU Tablet (Food Supplement).

The recent number of medical publications on vitamin-D is astounding. In the last ten years, there are 17,399 publications on vitamin-D (Pub Med Search). These studies associate low levels of vitamin-D with diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, MI, hypertension, obesity, myopathy, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, body pain & various cancers.

Several observational studies and few randomized contolled trials have demonstrated that adequate levels of vitamin D can decrease the risk and improve survival rates of several types of cancers including breast, rectum, ovary, prostate, stomach, bladder, esophagus, kidney, lung, pancreas, uterus, non-hodgkin lymphoma and multiple myloma.

Individuals with serum, vitamin-D conc. less than 20 ng/ml are considered most at risk. The expected normal levels are 32 to 100 ng/ml.

Most people today do not get sufficient sunlight so that the body does not produce sufficient vitamin-D.

While exposure to 20-30 min of sunlight can provide up to 10,000 IU it is important to use sunscreen and avoid the hottest part of the day to avoid sunburn and the harmful UV rays associated with skin cancer.

A recent trial conducted by one of the leading cardiologists at Kochi found that 90% of the patients admitted with heart attack (100 patients) had severe vitamin D deficiency (less than 10 ng/ml) and varying degrees of vitamin D deficiency was found in nearly the whole population. This may probably explain why we are becoming the diabetic and heart diseases capital of the world.

Why vitamin-D is so important?

Vitamin-D actually is misclassified as a vitamin. It may be more appropriately considered as prohormone and its active 1,25(OH)2D metabolite with its own receptors found practically in every human tissues-functions as a hormone. These vitamin D receptors or VDR's may affect the function of upto 1000 different genes helping to control cell growth or differentiation.

Vit-D, the D-light full vitamin

Gene study supports link between vitamin D deficiency and disease:

There is a growing body of evidence that vitamin D deficiency increases an individual's susceptibility to autoimmune conditions such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes, certain cancers and even dementia.

University of Oxford researchers have now shown the extent to which vitamin D interacts with our DNA. They used new DNA sequencing technology to create a map of vitamin D receptor binding across the genome in a study. The vitamin D receptor is a protein activated by vitamin D, which attaches itself to DNA and thus influences what proteins are made from our genetic code.

The researchers found 2,776 binding sites for the vitamin D receptor along the length of the genome. These were concentrated near a number of genes associated with susceptibility to autoimmune conditions such as MS, Crohns disease , Rheumatoid arthritis, and Cancers.

They also showed that vitamin D had a significant effect on the activity of 229 genes including IRF8, previously associated with MS, & PTPN2 associated with Crohns disease and type 1 diabetes. These studies show quite dramatically the wide ranging influence that vitamin D exerts over our health.

The discovery of vitamin D receptors in many tissues, including intestine, bone, heart, pancreas, breast, prostate, lymphocytes and other tissues, implies that vitamin supplementation might have applications for treating a number of disorders.

  1. Chronic musculoskeletal pain
  2. Autoimmune disease
  3. Diabetes
  4. Cardiovascular diseases
  5. Psoriasis
  6. Different cancers
  7. Obesity
  8. Mood disorders, etc.

Prescribe Cloferol D; help your patients to reach sufficient Vitamin D.

Cloferol D (vitamin D-3 2000 IU) 1 tablets 2 times for 3 months. Maintenance - 1 tablet daily.

1 Vitamin D
3 Vitamin D Supplementation: An Update: Deficiency, Blood Concentrations, and Toxicity
4 Vitamin D: Expert Warns About The Dangers Of Deficiency
5 Autoimmune Diseases
6 Diabetes
7 Mood Disorders
8 Cardiovascular Diseases
9 Multiple Sclerosis
10 Renal failure
11 Hypertension
12 Cancer
13 Antiproliferative Property of Vitamin D
14 Osteoporosis
15 Osteomalacia
16 Rickets
17 Vitamin D Deficiency Leads to Weight Gain (Obesity)
18 Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain
19 Muscle Pain
20 Vitamin D and Pregnancy
21 Vitamin D and Alzheimer's Disease
22 Psoriasis
23 Epilepsy
24 Vitamin D and Infectious Diseases
25 Vitamin D and Cold
26 Vitamin D and Autism
27 Vitamin D and Gum Disease
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